May 23 - The April results are now available on our Spot Market pages. Total gas quantity was slightly below expectation at 497TJ compared to forecast of 555TJ and average price was $8.61 per GJ compared to forecast of $8.57.
The market was contracted on 25 November (before the John Brookes Field was shut in). On 30 November all buyers were offed (then available) Back Up Gas at a price of $6.88 per GJ, all accepted. Providing supply does not tighten further, the $6.88 per GJ price will remain in place until normal supplies resume. We will update the market around 12 December with the January Invitation. To see the Bid And Scheduled information, please see our Spot Market Pages on this website.
Dec 2022 - The November results are now avilable on our Spot Market pages. The actual Volume for November came in at 425TJ which was greater than the forecasted 398TJ likely due to upstream gas maintenance issues towards the end of the month. The actual average price came in at $6.10 per GJ which was as forecast.
Nov 2022 - The October results are now available on our spot market pages. Volume came in at actual of 419 TJ which was lower than the forecast quantity of 459TJ for the month. Price came in as expected at actual average of $5.86 per GJ compared ot forecast of $5.85 per GJ.
The September results are now available on our spot market pages. Volumes for September came in lower at 385TJ compared to forecast volume of 407TJ. Price came in as expectd at $5.82 per GJ compared to forecast of $5.81 per GJ.
July 2022 - The June results are now available on our spot market pages. Actual volume for the month came in greater than forecast at actual of 357TJ comared to forecast of 345TJ mainly due to production maintainence taking longer than expected to resolve. Average price came in as expected at actal of $5.56 per GJ comapred to forecast average of $5.55 per GJ.
June 2022 - The May results now available on our spot market pages. Volume came in higher than forecast with actual volume of 359TJ compared to forecast 299TJ likely due to the unexpected extended outage of production facilities in late May. The actal average price came in only slightly higher than expected at $5.52 per GJ compared to forecast of $5.51 per GJ.
May 2022 - The May Bid and Scheduled and April Results are now available on our Spot Market Pages. For April, the volume came in higher than expected with actual of 279TJ against forecast of 274TJ and actual average price was slightly higher than expected at $5.54 per GJ compared to forecast price of $5.51 per GJ.
May 2022 - We have discovered a technical issue that is preventing us from updating the Bid and Scheduled information for May. We apologise for any inconvenience, we will rectify this as soon as possible.